Monday, July 11, 2011

My class description for final project

My class include 15 students 10 girls and 5 boys at pre-intermediate level of English, they are weak at computer and internet skill but eager to learn.
After 8 classes of computer lesson they should be able to use websites and recommended software to self study English at home without any difficulty in understanding instructions from these sources.


  1. Hi Duyen

    Thanks for sharing your class description. Are you having problems getting in to nicenet?


  2. Hi Duyen

    Currently I am planning to introduce my trainees to an Online program to become more proficient users of English.This program concentrates on Reading Skills, Vocabulary Skills and Writing Skills. For this they have to first hone computer skills. My case is quite similar to yours, isn't it? So we can share information on our students' progress on the two aspects.

    Will see you soon online.

