Monday, July 11, 2011

My class description for final project

My class include 15 students 10 girls and 5 boys at pre-intermediate level of English, they are weak at computer and internet skill but eager to learn.
After 8 classes of computer lesson they should be able to use websites and recommended software to self study English at home without any difficulty in understanding instructions from these sources.

week 3

The class is more and more interesting. This week I've learn how to create a bookmark tools on the internet from I also created my account and save the first favourite, it's a website to check plagiarism online. I've been searching for this site for ages.
Actually I have a lot of websties to use in the classroom because I find online materials quite usefuls. Such as I often use the site to use their songs, flash cards and games.
My students just love site like this alot.
The same concerns like the last 3 weeks, I wished I have more time to spend on this course. I find it excellent but my summer tasks just take away all of my time, not mentioned that I got a terrible cold and coughs take all of my energy to do things.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

The first week on Webskill course

This is my first time using blog in teaching and learning something, so I am not quite sure about whether I make it right or not.